Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, September 2, 2023
You Are the Chosen Ones of God! Rejoice in It!
Message from Mary Mother of Triumph and Victory to Frank Möller in Reken, Germany on September 2, 2023, Heart of Mary Atonement Saturday

My children!
I am with him who prays.
Announce peace to the world as God's gift. Announce joy as His gift.
I give you the weapons in battle. Do not fight with human means, but with prayer, with peace and joy. Fight with the sword of His Word. Your victory will come.
I am the leader of a great army that holds fast to the commandments of God and to the testimony of My Son.
My Son will come again when no one is expecting Him!
This is the victory: your faith! This is the victory of the martyrs, of your fathers, of all who have arrived here, with Me in Paradise, in the kingdom of the righteous, of the chosen ones who have kept God's commandments. I also keep them because I love. Love and you will be free and joyful.
Believe Me and not the one who tells you otherwise. They lie because they do not know the one who loves. They know only themselves, money and injustice.
Keep what God gives you! I keep you in My sight!
It is true that I speak to you. I have chosen you!
I see those who walk beside you, those who are far away but will come.
You are the chosen ones of God! Rejoice in this!
Source: ➥